Why is it important to step out of your comfort zone!

Gracious Fleming
3 min readNov 25, 2020

Your brain does not want anything to change when it is in your comfort zone. You are happy with your needs; you are relaxed, and the brain knows that the body survives. Daily, it takes a conscious effort to step out of your comfort zone, and thus, the brain always tends to prefer the comfort zone to avoid investing the extra energy required to do so. It is hard to get out of your comfort zone because people will be wired to expect the worst-case scenario. Your brain wants always to keep you safe, so you have a natural bias in negativity toward uncertainty and a stronger response to real or expected adverse events. When you assess whether to act or not and receive negative information, it affects you more than positive information. In other words, the brain has managed to find conclusive answers before the situation has even occurred in our comfort zone, so it does not even want to try or put in any effort to leave this said comfort zone.

Being in a comfort zone stops you from even knowing what is out there for you, and you settle for something you find comfort in. There are many reasons why a person likes being in comfort; maybe it’s not open to possibilities, perhaps lacks courage, has no guidance, or is just a lazy individual. Every individual has a time when a particular situation pushes him out of his comfort zone. That is the part of life where people transitioning from their comfort to being driven by situations are the painful part of their lives. Many individuals go into depression and anxiety due to the same reason of not being able to cope with this challenging life, and some even end their lives.

How can we overcome or transition ourselves to not go into the comfort zone?

  1. The right way of parenting helps a child not go into being idle in imagination. As a child, the brain needs training in the direction of being independent of his choices; simultaneously, the right guidance and push by the parents help a child have a creative mind.
  2. Always work on your goals; writing them down will not help you achieve them. Not fighting for your dream and giving up on dreams is an early sign of phasing into a comfort zone.
  3. Everyone goes into some level of low phase at a certain age. Some situation causes you to give up on dreams, some break you and will destroy your self-esteem if you are an individual who has been pushing yourself will be able to come back, but to those who cannot gather themselves are the ones whose roots to their dreams are not strong enough. Learn how to put yourself together in any situation. It is ok if you have started when you have failed; a start of something positive is never too late.
  4. Watch something that motivates you, and it can be inspiring. It can be about anything that shows you a light at the end of a tunnel. Learn to motivate yourself, find time to develop your core, and do this without any help.
  5. Finally, be independent., A child needs to be dependent on their parents, but after a certain age, you need to start being independent in nature., Going into a comfort zone is, in a way being dependent on others for help. And once we have found that help, we never want to let go of that easy-going life, which will cause you to be dependent and stop your personal growth.

Hence every action has a negative or positive reaction. So, Choose your decisions wisely. New experiences will influence everything you already believe in, what you want to do, how you conduct yourself, and how you live. The possibilities are infinite.



Gracious Fleming

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